My offer

I do things differently...

Learn more about my skills and my approach to successfully implement projects and achieve strong results.

Throughout my professional career, I have gained extensive experience in finance and digitalization. I have had the privilege of implementing successful projects and founding and building several companies. These experiences now enable me not only to impart my expertise in the form of consulting, but also to offer the following skills:

Main Skills

Analyst, Kreditwesen, Investment


Company and market analyses, processing and placement of financing, development of investment strategies.



Key Account Management, Formation of Sales Teams, Cold Calling.

Management, Leading


Management of the development of websites, tools and apps; founding and building of companies, innovation management.

UX / UI Design


Creating user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) for websites, tools and apps.




Development of concepts involving financial and technological knowledge

Homepage, Landingpage


Creation of outstanding and high-quality websites that leave a strong impression on customers.


Web and Mobile App Development


Creating efficient and user-friendly apps for a connected world.


Artificial Intelligence


Use and integration of artificial intelligence in the daily work routine

Learn more about my prices

People create unforgettable things!

Together we are able to create not only great things, but also unforgettable things - with absolute certainty!

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People create unforgettable things!

Together we are able to create not only great things, but also unforgettable things - with absolute certainty!

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People create unforgettable things!

Together we are able to create not only great things, but also unforgettable things - with absolute certainty!

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Create amazing digital experiences that create greater happiness in the world.

© 2023 Tomas Gurauskas

Powered by TommyG


Create amazing digital experiences that create greater happiness in the world.

© 2023 Tomas Gurauskas

Powered by TommyG


Create amazing digital experiences that create greater happiness in the world.

© 2023 Tomas Gurauskas

Powered by TommyG